
Les Bulles D'Agathe

I would like to suggest that anyone who has to regularly spend time with young, rambunctious children invest in a bottle or two of the Bulles D'Agathe (Agatha's bubbles) by wonderful perfumer Francis Kurkdjian.

I recently bought some from über-cool Parisian store Colette. (They ship to the US too!) So, what is it, exactly? Perfumed bubbles! It comes with a wand and everything! It's kind of a perfume concept art thing. Mr. K instructs the user to blow to bubbles and then try to burst a few with your nose so that you get a little whiff of the perfume. When you've done it a few times, there is a little trace of the perfume about the room so I guess this product could technically be lumped into the home fragrance category, but it's really more of an experience thing in my mind. Just a small, pleasurable, sensory experience - the kind of I love.

Anyway, got them a few days ago but today in a moment of desperation while trying to keep control of the kids, it occurred to me that they might enjoy playing with them. So, I told them about Mr. K's instructions and for a good 15 minutes I just blew bubbles at them and watched as they desperately chased and tried to burst them with their noses, sometimes throwing themselves headlong onto the floor in the attempt. It was marvelous. They loved it, and while I mildly resent them for forcing me into using my expensive bubbles to control them, I'm nevertheless grateful for the few minutes of relative peace I had while we all played together.

So, the ones I have, like I mentioned above, are from Colette and are only sold there. But the perfume house has four other scents: Herbs, Mint, Pear and Violet which are available in the US. (I definitely want to add to my fancy bubble collection with some of those.) :)

Well worth the coin I think, if either purpose appeals to you: controlling children or having a philosophical, yet lighthearted, sensory experience.

P.S. The bubble chase really was quite hilarious. Going to capture it on film and post it here as soon as possible.

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