
Weather Report & French Lesson - Rain Vocabulary

(photo found here)
It has been raining almost non-stop for about two weeks and is supposed to continue the rest of the week. I happen to be a gal who likes rainy days, however, I do not like navigating the city's poorly drained streets without rain boots!

This song comes to mind...

Also this one...

So I thought this would be a good opportunity to go over some rain vocab...

Pleuvoir v. - to rain

Il pleut - it's raining/it rains

Pluie n. (f) - rain
i.e. J'adore la pluie! - I love the rain!
Goutte de pluie n. (f) - raindrop
Trombe d'eau n. (f) or Pluie torrentielle n. (f) - rainstorm
Orage n. (m) - thunderstorm
Pluviomètre n. (m) - rain gauge
Pluvieux (m) / Pluvieuse (f) adj. - rainy
Imperméable n. (m) - raincoat
Parapluie n. (m) - umbrella
Bottes de pluie n. (f.pl.) - rain boots
i.e. J'ai besoin de bottes de pluie putain! = I need some f***ing rain boots!

*Wish I had these from J. Crew :(

One more rain song for the road:

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